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Artist Anonymous Title II. Olympische Winterspiele 1928 Date 1928 £1500
Artist Werner Bischof (1916-1954) Title The Sun of St. Moritz, Olympische Winterspiele, 1940 Date 1938 £900
Artist Otto Malischke Title Arosa Ziel Date 1943 £900
Artist 1849-1906), Hugo D'Alesi (Friedrich Hugo Alessi Title Engadine Date 1910s £800
Artist Serraillier (photo) Title France, Sports D’Hiver en Dauphine: L’Aple D’Huez (Isere) Date 1960s £800
Artist Y. Laty Title Mont Blanc Date c.1960 Sold
Artist Anonymous Title Bally Date 1950s £600
Artist Roger David Title Grenoble 67 Date 1967 £500
Artist Mathieu Title France, Rhone-Alpes Date c.1994 £400
Artist Constantin Title Xemes Jeux Olympiques D’Hiver France 1968, Grenoble Date 1968 £300